Help and Frequently Asked Questions
As our app developes we count on you to tell us about improvements you can recomend and also tips yourhave found to use the app. Please use our blog to post any of your suggestions or contact [email protected].
- Click this link if you are not already on the site
- Featured event: The featured event will appear at the bottom of the page and the map should show where that event is located. You can click the eye icon to see details and click "Read More" to get full details including driving instructions to the event.
- Closest to You: Click this button at the top and you will be asked usually to enable location on your device if that has not been done before. You can then move the map to find event and, as above, you can click the eye icon to read about them and see full details.
- By Date/Region: Click this button at the top and you can chose your own month, day and year. You then also choose the area of town. There are six choices or you can view them all and then move the Google map as normal. Make sure and click "Map Art Results" after you have made your date and region choices.
- Click this link to get started.
- NO EVENT ICON: If you can not see an eye icon when the map appears, make sure and move the map, north, south, each or west, in and out. If you do a search by a particular date in your area, there might not be an event there, so check back later as events are added every day.
- EVENT ICON ACCESS: By tapping the screen on your mobile address you can zoom in closer and have a more clear view of the icon. You may also be able to use the plus and minus signs.
- DEVICES: You can access our app with your computer or with a mobile device - use one at home and the other on the go
- MORE DETAILS: On the computer you can mouse over (hover) the eye icon and get a hint of the event. This is not possible on the mobile device. Click READ MORE or go to and access the events calendar
- Different devices view the app in different ways. Although we have tried to make the app universal. don't be surprised if it does not appear the same on different devices.we recommend you use the following internet browers Mozilla, Iinternet Explorer, Chrome, or iPhone4, and iPhone5.